Sciences Po Paris



I'm a political scientist at the Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF) in Sciences Po Paris. Prior to my current position, I worked at the University of Montreal and King's College London. I earned my PhD from the University of Louvain, my local university in my home region of Belgium.

In my research, I use experiments and surveys to study the role of elections in shaping people's experiences with representative democracy, both  from a micro and comparative perspective. My current interest include citizens' attitudes toward democracy and its institutions (democracy in general, electoral systems, deliberative assemblies), as well as voting behavior (strategic voting, turnout).

I've conducted a range of experiments and surveys in various countries, including Belgium, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom, which are my main countries of expertise.  I'm currently the Director of the newly created network for electoral studies in France (REEF, Réseau d'Études Électorales en France), which gathers around 100 researchers from a dozen of universities across the country.

Below is a selection of my favorite publiciations that best represent my current research interests. For a full list see, here.


Citizens' attitudes toward democracy and its institutions

(2023) What Kind of Electoral Outcome Do People Think is Good for Democracy?

Political Studies 71(4): 1068–1089 (with André Blais, Shaun Bowler, David Farrell, et al).

(2023) Choosing an Electoral Rule: Values and Self-Interest in the Lab.

Journal of Economic Psychology 95: 102602 (with André Blais, Maxime Coulombe, Jean-François Laslier, and Jean-Benoit Pilet).

(2023) Public Support for Citizens' Assemblies Selected through Sortition: Evidence from 15 Countries.

European Journal of Political Research 62(3): 873-902 (with Jean-Benoit Pilet, Davide Vittori, and Emilien Paulis).

(2021) Estimating Humanity’s Attitudes About Democracy and Political Leaders: Patterns and Trends.

Public Opinion Quarterly 85(4): 957–986 (with Christopher J. Anderson and Aurelia Ananda).

(2021) The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Political Support: Some Good News for Democracy?

European Journal of Political Research 60(2): 497–505 (with Marco Giani,  André Blais, and Peter J. Loewen).

Voting behavior

(2024) The Psychological Partisan Effect of Electoral Systems: How Ideology Correlates with Strategic Voting.

Party Politics 30(4): 691–703 (with Andrew Hunter and Gabriela Aguirre Fernandez).

(2022) Does the Number of Candidates Increase Turnout? Causal Evidence From Two-Round Elections.

Political Behavior 44(4): 2005–2026 (with Ria Ivandic).

(2021) It's a (Coarsened Exact) Match! Non-Parametric Imputation of Abstainers' Vote.

Political Science Research and Methods 9(2): 445–450 (with Marco Giani).

Curriculum Vitae