(2024) The Psychological Partisan Effect of Electoral Systems: How Ideology Correlates with Strategic Voting. [Online Appendix]

Party Politics 30(4): 691–703 (with Andrew Hunter and Gabriela Aguirre Fernandez).

(2024) All (Electoral) Politics is Local? Candidate's Regional Roots and Vote Choice.

Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 34(3): 387–408 (with Philipp Harfst, André Blais, Sona Golder, et al).

(2023) What Kind of Electoral Outcome Do People Think is Good for Democracy? [Online Appendix]

Political Studies 71(4): 1068–1089 (with André Blais, Shaun Bowler, David Farrell, et al).

(2023) Choosing an Electoral Rule: Values and Self-Interest in the Lab. [Online Appendix]

Journal of Economic Psychology 95: 102602 (with André Blais, Maxime Coulombe, Jean-François Laslier, and Jean-Benoit Pilet).

(2023) Public Support for Citizens' Assemblies Selected through Sortition: Evidence from 15 Countries.

European Journal of Political Research 62(3): 873–902 (with Jean-Benoit Pilet, Davide Vittori, and Emilien Paulis).

(2022) Does the Number of Candidates Increase Turnout? Causal Evidence From Two-Round Elections. [Online Appendix]

Political Behavior 44(4): 2005–2026 (with Ria Ivandic).

(2022) Two-Person Bargaining Mechanisms: A Laboratory Experiment. [Online Appendix]

Group Decision and Negotiation 31(6): 1145–1177  (with Jean-François Laslier and Matias Nunez).

(2021) Does Knowing Democracy Affect Answers to Democratic Support Questions? A Survey Experiment in Indonesia. [Online Appendix]

International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33(2): 433–443 (with Aurelia Ananda).

(2021) Estimating Humanity’s Attitudes About Democracy and Political Leaders: Patterns and Trends. [Online Appendix]

Public Opinion Quarterly 85(4): 957–986 (with Christopher J. Anderson and Aurelia Ananda).

(2021) It's a (Coarsened Exact) Match! Non-Parametric Imputation of Abstainers' Vote. [Online Appendix]

Political Science Research and Methods 9(2): 445–450 (with Marco Giani).

(2021) The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Political Support: Some Good News for Democracy? [Online Appendix]

European Journal of Political Research 60(2): 497–505 (with Marco Giani,  André Blais, and Peter J. Loewen).

(2021) The Importance of Personal Vote Intentions for the Responsiveness of Legislators: A Field Experiment. [Online Appendix]

European Journal of Political Research 60(2): 455–473 (with Thomas Gschwend, Thomas Zittel, and Steffen Zittlau).

(2021) Designing Preference Voting.

Electoral Studies 69: 102262 (with Philipp Harfst and Jean-François Laslier).

(2020) Polarization, Partisan Preferences, and Strategic Voting.

Government and Opposition 55(4): 578–594 (with Jean-François Daoust).

(2019) Putting Politics in the Lab: A Review of Lab Experiments in Political Science.

Government and Opposition 54(1): 167–190.

(2019) Electoral Rules, Strategic Entry, and Polarization. [Online Appendix]

Journal of Public Economics 178: 104065 (with Konstantinos Matakos, Orestis Troupounis, and Dimitrios Xefteris).

(2018) Voting and Satisfaction with Democracy in Flexible-List PR.

Electoral Studies 56: 23–34 (with André Blais,  Xavier Gillard, Lidia Nunez Lopez, and Jean-Benoit Pilet).

(2018) Which Matters Most: Party Strategic Exit or Voter Strategic Voting? A Laboratory Experiment. [Online Appendix]

Political Science Research and Methods 6(2): 229–244 (with André Blais and Simon Labbé St-Vincent).

(2018) A Mixed-Utility Theory of Vote Choice Regret. [Online Appendix]

Public Choice 176(3-4): 461–478 (with André Blais and Jean-François Laslier).

(2018) Democratic Legitimacy or Regional Representation: Support for Upper Chamber Reform in Scotland and Quebec. [Online Appendix]

Parliamentary Affairs 71(4): 738–759 (with Mike Medeiros and Richard Nadeau).

(2017) Political Scientists and Electoral Reforms in Europe and Canada: What They Know, What They Do.

Election Law Journal 6(3): 335–340 (with Camille Bedock and Thomas Ehrhard).

(2017) Candidatures endogènes dans les  élections pluralitaires : quelques explications du nombre de candidats et de leur polarisation.

L'Actualité Economique 93(1-2): 141–171 (with Arnaud Dellis and Mandar Oak).

(2017) Votes for Women: Electoral Systems and Support for Female Candidates.

Politics & Gender 13(1): 107–131 (with Sona N. Golder, Laura B. Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten, et al).

(2017) How to Survey About Electoral Turnout? The Efficacy of the Face-Saving Response Items in Different Contexts. [Online Appendix]

Political Science Research and Methods 5(3): 575–584 (with Alexandre Morin-Chassé, Laura B. Stephenson, and Simon Labbé St-Vincent).

(2017) Ticket-Splitting in Mixed-Member Systems: On the Importance of Seat Linkage Between Electoral Tiers.

West European Politics 40(3): 584–597 (with Pedro Riera).

(2017) Making Votes Count in Parliament or Government?

Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 17(4): 389–412 (with Tom Verthé, Stefanie Beyens, and André Blais).

(2016) Electoral Reform, Values and Party Self-Interest. [Online Appendix]

Party Politics 22(1): 93–104.

(2016) Addressing Europe’s Democratic Deficit: An Experimental Evaluation of the Pan-European District Proposal. [Online Appendix]

European Union Politics 17(4):  525–545 (with Philipp Harfst, André Blais, Sona N. Golder, et al).

(2016) Still Lost in Translation! A Correction of three Misunderstandings Between Configurational Comparativists and Regressional Analysts.

Comparative Political Studies 49(6): 742–774 (with Alrik Thiem and Michael Baumgartner).

(2015) The International Diffusion of Electoral Systems: The Spread of Mechanisms Tempering Proportional Representation across Europe.

European Journal of Political Research 54(2): 384–410 (with Jean-Benoit Pilet and Pedro Riera).

(2015) The EuroVotePlus Experiment.

European Union Politics 16(4): 601–615 (with Jean-François Laslier, André Blais, Sona N. Golder, et al).

(2014) The Impact of Election Outcomes on Satisfaction with Democracy under a Two-Round System.

French Politics 12(1): 22–35 (with Laurie Beaudonnet, André Blais, and Martial Foucault).

(2014) De l’intérêt de la régression multi-niveau en politique comparée. [Pedagological Material]

Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée 21(2): 81–95.

(2013) Confronting Theories Based on Necessary Relations: Making the Best of QCA Possibilities. [Pedagological Material]

Political Research Quarterly 66(1): 205–210 (with Francesca Luppi).

(2013) From Niche to Mainstream Method? A Comprehensive Mapping of QCA Applications in Journal Articles from 1984 to 2011.

Political Research Quarterly 66(1): 175–184 (with Benoît Rihoux, Priscilla Alamos-Concha, Axel Marx, and Ilona Rezsohazy).

(2012) Belgium, Political Data Yearbook.

European Journal of Political Research 51(1): 41–48 (with Benoît Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Serge Deruette, and Lieven De Winter).

(2011) Party Preferences and Electoral Reform: How Time in Government Affects the Likelihood of Supporting a Change.

West European Politics 34(3): 568–586 (with Jean-Benoit Pilet).

(2011) Belgium, Political Data Yearbook.

European Journal of Political Research 50(7-8): 913–921 (with Benoît Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, and Serge Deruette).

(2011) Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Public Policy Analysis: An Extensive Review.

German Policy Studies 7(3): 9–82 (with Benoît Rihoux and Ilona Rezohazy).

(2010) Belgium, Political Data Yearook.

European Journal of Political Research 49(7-8): 899–908 (with Benoît Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, and Serge Deruette).

(2009) Belgium, Political Data Yearbook.

European Journal of Political Research 48(7-8): 903–912  (with Benoît Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, and Serge Deruette).

(2008) Belgium, Political Data Yearbook.

European Journal of Political Research 47(7-8): 917–928  (with Benoît Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, and Serge Deruette).


(2023) Electoral Rules.

A Political Science Experiment. Tucker and Rudalevige (eds.) Vital Source (with André Blais).

(2021) Strategic Voting Versus Sincere Voting.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Political Decision Making. Redlawsk (ed). Oxford University Press (with Tom Verthé).

(2020) Experiments.

Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An A-Z of Key Concepts. Morin, Olsson et Atickan (eds). Oxford University Press, pp. 110–113.

(2018) Voting Strategically in a Two-Vote Elections.

The Many Faces of Strategtic Voting. Stephenson, Aldrich, and Blais (eds.) University of Michigan Press, pp. 225–255 (with André Blais and Philipp Harfst).

(2016) Electoral System and Number of Candidates: Candidate Entry under Plurality and Majority Runoff.

Voting Experiments. Blais, Laslier, and Van der Straeten (eds). Springer, pp. 303–321 (with André Blais, Antonin Macé, and Jean-François Laslier).

(2016) Comparison of Voting Procedures Using Models of Electoral Competition with Endogenous Candidacy.

The Political Economy of Social Choices. Gallego and Schofield (eds). Springer, pp. 21–54 (with Arnaud Dellis and Mandar Oak).

(2016) Recruiting for Laboratory Voting Experiments: Exploring the (Potential) Sampling Bias.

Voting Experiments. Blais, Laslier, and Van der Straeten (eds). Springer, pp. 271–286 (with Simon Labbé St-Vincent and Jean-Michel Lavoie).

(2015) Negative Campaigning in Proportional Representation –Yet Non-coalition– Systems: Evidence from Switzerland.

New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning. Nai and Walter (eds). ECPR Press, pp. 113–125 (with Marian Bohl).

(2015) André-Paul Frognier : un chercheur exigeant, un électoraliste pionnier.

La légitimité de la science politique. Rihoux, Van Ingelgom, and Defacqz (eds). Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp. 41–50 (with Elisabeth Dupoirier).

(2015) Modèles  électoraux et vote en Wallonie : Plus de 20 ans d’analyse électorale.

Etre électeur en Wallonie. Baudewyns (ed). Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp. 15–36 (with André-Paul Frognier).

(2012) L’adoption des étiquettes partisanes.

Les élections communales de 2012 en Wallonie. Dandoy, Dodeigne, Matagne, and Reuchamps (eds). Vanden Broele, pp. 47–58 (with Ferdinand Teuber).

(2012) Une démocratie multipartisane. Flandre - Wallonie : 20 ans d’analyse des comportements électoraux. [Online Appendix]

Singulière Belgique. Busekist (ed). Fayard, pp. 135–145 (with André-Paul Frognier and Marc Swyngedouw).

(2009) Conclusions - The Way(s) Ahead.

Configurational Comparative Methods. Rihoux and Ragin (eds). Sage, pp. 167–177 (with Benoît Rihoux, Charles Ragin, Sakura Yamaski).